Internship Application
The Premed Scene is offering multiple unique positions, all of which are enriching in their own respective fields. Becoming an intern will surely allow you to become more successful in your future ambitions and will simultaneously boost your Resume/CV for professional schooling. Being an intern at The Premed Scene will allow you to be considered for leadership positions in the future as well. The application will be open from Monday, July 25th at 8 AM CST to Sunday, August 7th at 11:55 PM CST. It will not be rolling admissions, but applying early is highly encouraged! Whether or not you've received a position, all applicants will receive an application update. These positions will be open to students of all majors but will be limited to college undergraduates. Each applicant must be subscribed to our site in order to apply! If you are ready to apply, the form will be down below; in case you'd like to know a little more about the positions we are offering, please see below. We wish you all the best of luck and we look forward to reading everyone's applications!
Internship Position Descriptions
For the fall cycle, The Premed Scene is offering two different internship positions, one Content Coordinator and two Promoters. Both of these positions has a more in-depth description that can be found below!
Content Coordinator
Content Coordinators are primarily responsible for working and/or leading projects involving the various programs that we have. This role will have great impact on the various operations that require a diverse skillset. Lastly, this role will be involved with any side of the team that would for any reason, require additional help. This position will be a hybrid of an informatics creator, website logistics, and project coordinator.
Time Commitment: 2-4 hours a week
Skills Preferred: Analytical thinking, creativity, and time management
The promoters are responsible for creating flyers for all our events, including blog posts of the month, the medical newsletter, podcasts, internship/ambassador programs, anything we need promoted and also create YouTube Covers for our speakers. In addition, they will be creating the general newsletter, adding all the events for that month into a flyer that is to be promoted. Your material is what all our members see!
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours a week
Skills Preferred: Creative, time management, and detail-oriented