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Pre-Med Tips for the New Year

Being a pre-medical student comes with its challenges and rewards. This new year offers the opportunity for fresh starts in many aspects of life. Here are some things to keep in mind as you continue on your journey to your career in medicine.

  1. Access to MCAT study materials and applications to medical schools are stressful processes that can be further exacerbated as a result of the financial implications. Khan Academy offers free resources for studying for the MCAT and is especially helpful as a result of their direct affiliation with the AAMC. In addition, both the AAMC and AACOMAS offer fee assistance waivers for qualifying students.

  2. Acquiring shadowing opportunities can still be difficult as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Look to virtual shadowing opportunities, such as those offered by The Premed Scene. You’ll be able to learn more about a variety of medical specialties from wherever you are.

  3. If you need advice about the medical school process or aspects of what it means to be a pre-medical student, you can look to online forms of consulting. An example of this would be through using MEDucate and podcasts offered by The Premed Scene! You could also work on asking friends for advice!

  4. Life can generally get overwhelming. Something that might be helpful is keeping a journal. These journals could be done using the traditional paper and pencil method. There are also a variety of apps that could be utilized for journaling as well. Incorporating journaling into your daily routine can be beneficial, especially during periods of high stress such as finals seasons.

  5. A new semester means more new classes. Planning when certain assignments are due and when exams will be taken can sometimes be a stressful process. Using apps such as Google Calendar can help! Such calendar apps are useful not only for planning aspects of your varying classes but also for scheduling extracurricular activities and other social gatherings. There is also the option to utilize a printed calendar as well. Free templates are always available for download online using a simple Internet search.

I hope these tips will prove useful to you as you begin this new year! Wishing a wonderful year of good health and growth.

Thank you for reading!

-Aprile Bertomo

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